Saving and growing your wealth

Wealth Protection  |  Wealth Creation  |  Wealth Management

In today’s consumer-driven society, saving doesn’t always come naturally.

You want that dream car, that exotic holiday, that lavish wedding, and the temptation to simply put these purchases on a credit card can be great.

On a larger scale, you might want to generate a house deposit, but have no idea where to start. It’s increasingly difficult to get on the housing ladder and the challenge can seem insurmountable. Your children are getting close to the time they might consider going to university. How can you help fund their education and ensure they don’t accumulate a mountain of debt?

Savings – Short Term Goals & Immediate Taxes

With no risk involved, saving is most appropriate for short term goals you want to achieve in the next few years. At Earlswood Wealth Management, we positively encourage saving and will help you get a crystal clear idea of your finances, building you a savings plan that strikes a balance between your incomings, outgoings and goals, big and small.

It’s also important to remember that life can occasionally throw you a curve ball and saving for emergencies is an essential part of a savings plan. As the Scouts say, be prepared and at Earlswood Wealth Management, we will make sure you are.

Saving is most appropriate for : Short terms goals – things you typically plan to do within the next 5 years

Investing – for medium and long-term goals

With no risk involved, saving is most appropriate for short term goals you want to achieve in the next few years. At Earlswood Wealth Management, we positively encourage saving and will help you get a crystal clear idea of your finances, building you a savings plan that strikes a balance between your incomings, outgoings and goals, big and small.

It’s also important to remember that life can occasionally throw you a curve ball and saving for emergencies is an essential part of a savings plan. As the Scouts say, be prepared and at Earlswood Wealth Management, we will make sure you are.

The value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Investment is most appropriate for : Medium-term goals – things you typically plan to do within 5-15 years,
Long-term goals – things you typically plan to do within 10-20 years and beyond

At Earlswood Wealth Management, we will help you understand investments in terms of what you are hoping to achieve and will dedicate ourselves to developing you a strategy that will grow your money in the most appropriate way possible for you, factoring in your attitude to risk. We know that making an investment can feel scary, but you can rest assured you will never be pushed into something you are uneasy with.

Our job does not end there. As your financial adviser, we will constantly review your investments to make sure they are ‘fit for purpose’, refining your strategy to ensure your goals are met. Life isn’t static, after all, and personal and financial circumstances, as well as market trends, can change.

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